Monday, August 12, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

my new pose

 taken short photo of Afghanistan .....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Human resource is one of the active Factors of productions. It is the only factor that can utilize land capital, organization and other inputs in line with the production of economic goods and services. As a most sensitive and leading factors, it can produce large quantity of basic or consumer goods, capital goods, luxury gods and other scientific goods which are essential for a society. Human resource is also known as human capital because one cannot produce any goods and services without the aid of human resource.


Managerial capacity refers to the skill of using various types of resource of factors of the productions through an organized channel. Development of managerial capacity is essential for the betterment of human life. The process of managerial capacity development helps to transfer the knowledge gained by of generation to other for the further development of human life. Development of managerial capacity leads one towards innovation of new technique in productions, new marketing strategy in distribution and efficient method in exchange of goods and services in domestic and international market .since human resource is the only sensitive and active factor of the productions, it is most essential to develop managerial capacity, skills and knowledge of human resource itself.


In Nepal, the majority of poor spend more than 70 percent of their income in consumption expenditure. They spend almost all of their income on food in order to survive. Sometimes they consume more than what their income is. They are unaware of nutritional value of their foods and suffer from malnutrition and different kinds of diseases. The distribution of food consumption is always in favor of male and income earners. This is true for both rural and urban areas.


There exists large family among booth rural and urban poor. Children are regarded as the sources of earning poor people often lack access to modern family planning services. The percentage of depended population is high and child labor is common. Women are badly explode in terms of health, education and labor participation.


Personal income the total money received by individuals and household of a country from all possible sources before direct taxes. The factor of production does not the whole amount of national income. Corporate income fax should be paid to the government from corporate profile .This is not available to the shareholders and therefore it does not constitute personal income. Some part of the corporate profile is kept undistributed or retained by the business units. Similarly, the salaried person should keep some part of their salaries in the form of provident fund, pension and social security contribution. These amounts should also be deducted from national income because they are not available to the individual. At the same time, government provides transfer payment in the form of unemployment allowance, old age allowance, interest on public debt. These amounts personal income but are not a part of the national income.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013

my new pose

 taken short photo of Afghanistan .....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Human resource is one of the active Factors of productions. It is the only factor that can utilize land capital, organization and other inputs in line with the production of economic goods and services. As a most sensitive and leading factors, it can produce large quantity of basic or consumer goods, capital goods, luxury gods and other scientific goods which are essential for a society. Human resource is also known as human capital because one cannot produce any goods and services without the aid of human resource.


Managerial capacity refers to the skill of using various types of resource of factors of the productions through an organized channel. Development of managerial capacity is essential for the betterment of human life. The process of managerial capacity development helps to transfer the knowledge gained by of generation to other for the further development of human life. Development of managerial capacity leads one towards innovation of new technique in productions, new marketing strategy in distribution and efficient method in exchange of goods and services in domestic and international market .since human resource is the only sensitive and active factor of the productions, it is most essential to develop managerial capacity, skills and knowledge of human resource itself.


In Nepal, the majority of poor spend more than 70 percent of their income in consumption expenditure. They spend almost all of their income on food in order to survive. Sometimes they consume more than what their income is. They are unaware of nutritional value of their foods and suffer from malnutrition and different kinds of diseases. The distribution of food consumption is always in favor of male and income earners. This is true for both rural and urban areas.


There exists large family among booth rural and urban poor. Children are regarded as the sources of earning poor people often lack access to modern family planning services. The percentage of depended population is high and child labor is common. Women are badly explode in terms of health, education and labor participation.


Personal income the total money received by individuals and household of a country from all possible sources before direct taxes. The factor of production does not the whole amount of national income. Corporate income fax should be paid to the government from corporate profile .This is not available to the shareholders and therefore it does not constitute personal income. Some part of the corporate profile is kept undistributed or retained by the business units. Similarly, the salaried person should keep some part of their salaries in the form of provident fund, pension and social security contribution. These amounts should also be deducted from national income because they are not available to the individual. At the same time, government provides transfer payment in the form of unemployment allowance, old age allowance, interest on public debt. These amounts personal income but are not a part of the national income.